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Community-Based Services

Through our Community-Based Services program, New Avenues serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, ages 18 and older, who want residential supports for activities of daily living within their home and who want to be actively engaged in their communities. Currently, we serve more than 50 individuals throughout Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, and Lake counties.


In Community-Based Services, our role is to listen to the people we serve and customize services to assist each person in achieving their goals. All of our services are focused on assisting individuals to attain the highest level of independence possible—from working with individuals to cultivate relationships with their housemates, to connecting individuals to opportunities for meaningful relationships in the community. Services are intended to fade over time, as the person served develops skills and social connections that enable them to participate in their home and community life without paid supports.

For more information, contact


Residential/Community Based Services


Through our Community-Based Services program, New Avenues serves individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, ages 18 and older, who want residential supports for activities of daily living within their home and who want to be actively engaged in their communities. Currently, we serve more than 50 individuals throughout Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, and Lake counties. In Community-Based Services, our role is to listen to the people we serve and customize services to assist each person in achieving their goals. All of our services are focused on assisting individuals to attain the highest level of independence possible from working with individuals to cultivate relationships with their housemates, to connecting individuals to opportunities for meaningful relationships in the community. Services are intended to fade over time, as the person served develops skills and social connections that enable them to participate in their home and community life without paid supports.​For more information, contact


Margaret Mead

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has even been."

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